• +31 (0) 345 502 810 • info@baby-mover.com

Baby evacuation

Babies and young children need to be evacuated as quickly and safely as possible from hazardous situations with the Baby-Mover B.V. baby evacuation product.

Babies rely on adults and parents in all things, so if a dangerous situation occurs, they need to get help and guidance. Therefore, baby evacuation is a topic that needs to be thought of timely and must be included orderly in an evacuation plan. Especially at daycare centers, maternity wards and in houses of hosting parents a lot of vulnerable, dependent children are gathered that can't evacuate themselves. Children do not have an overview of the situation yet and can't walk. This is very dangerous in case of flood or fire or anyhing else that is life threatening. Guidance and protection is needed, especially in emergency situations. Make sure you are prepared for baby evacuation by drawing up an emergency plan and using baby evacuation devices, such as our evacuation apron.

Baby evacuation apron

The Baby-Mover® baby evacuation apron is indispensable in childcare centers. For quick and safe evacuation you must draw up an evacuation plan. This is especially true for childcare centers or maternity wards. As babies and children are incapable of overseeing emergency situations or knowing what to do when, guidance of adults is of great importance. The Baby-Mover® is a professional evacuation apron that can be used for baby evacuation of a maximum of three children at the same time. In case of fire, flooding or any other emergency situation the apron can be used to evacuate infants and babies from buildings and danger zones. The apron can carry a total weight of up to 60 lbs and is designed exclusively for emergency situations. It has been tested various times in laboratories to ensure its construction and materials are safe.

Baby evacuation Baby-Mover®

The apron of Baby-Mover B.V. makes baby evacuation possible. The Baby-Mover® baby evacuation apron is made of a flame-retardant, solid material. Three pockets are placed on the front and at both sides of the apron. Their seams of those pockets are reinforced for extra support and safety, enabling the person carrying to take other actions by hand. Thus the apron is extra suitable for emergencies, as the person carrying can take hold of other children by hand, take hold of the banister, open doors or make an emergency call. Our apron is easy to put on, as you pull it over the head just like a T-shirt. The Baby-Mover® evacuation apron is indispensable in daycare centers. Make sure you are able to cope with baby evacuation!

If you are interested in seeing pictures of our baby evacuation product, please visit the Photo Gallery.

Baby evacuation contact

The baby evacuation Baby-Mover® apron is produced by Wi-Care B.V. in the Netherlands and is distributed throughout Europa and in the USA. For more product and guarantee information please take a further look on our website. If you have any questions regarding our product, please do not hestitate to contact us. We would be pleased to help you.