• +31 (0) 345 502 810 • info@baby-mover.com

Emergency evacuation products

Emergency evacuation products and measures should be part of your safety program as more lives can be spared. Daycare centers are places where a lot of small children are gathered, In case of an emergency, they all have to be evacuated by their caretakers, since they haven't yet developed the ability to have an overview over situations and can't move fast by themselves. For this purpose, the emergency evacuation products have been designed by Baby-Mover®. Our emergency evacuation products are specially designed for childcare centers, nurseries, maternity wards and houses of hosting parents. With our apron, up to three babies or toddlers can be moved at the same time from emergency situations. The Baby-Mover® is one of the most indispensable emergency evacuation products. Any pictures of our emergency evacuation product can be found at our Photo Gallery.

Emergency evacuation products Baby-Mover®

Our emergency evacuation products are made of solid, flame-retardant fabric, which ensures safety in hazardous situations. Our aprons therefore are indispensable in emergency situations. The emergency evacuation products can carry a total amount of up to 60 lbs, each pocket carrying up to 20 lbs. The pockets are fastened with reinforced seams and the entire emergency evacuation product is tested in laboratories several times. Since the pockets do not need any support due to the solidity of the construction and materials, the carrier is able to carry the apron handsfree to be able to call emergency services, take other children by their hand or open doors.

This ability of the apron to carry three children of up to 20 lbs in each pocket without extra support creates an outcome in emergency evacuation situations. Since other actions can be done, such as making emergency calls or taking other children by hand, the evacuation becomes safer and more efficient. In addition, our emergency evacuation products are very easy to put on, in the same way as you put on a T-shirt. The children are guaranteed to be safe in the pockets, because you click them into place. Our emergency evacuation products enable small children to be evacuated easily, safely and quickly. The Baby-Mover® emergency evacuation apron is one of the most professional emergency evacuation products. Emergency evacuation products, such as the aprons of Baby-Mover®, are indispensable additions to daycare center safety programs.

The products from Baby-Mover are designed for evacuating babies.


For a total weight of up to 27kg

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Newborn Baby-Mover

For premature babies weighing up to 15 kg

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For training purposes

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Information emergency evacuation products Baby-Mover®

In short, our emergency evacuation product is an indispensable gadget for your safety program. Make sure to enlist all the essential gadgets, so that evacuation can be realized quickly and safely once an emergency situation arises. Be prepared well and have the right tools within reach, so that as many children as possible can be evacuated in the least amount of time. We would be honoured if our apron helped to save the lifes of young children. Our emergency evacuation products are tested various times in laboratoria, ensuring their safety and solidity. Use our emergency evacuation product to enlarge the safety of the children at your daycare.

Emergency evacuation products Baby-Mover®

Any extra information regarding our baby emergency evacuation products can be found on our website. You can for example find the guarantee information and the directions for use there. The Baby-Mover® is produced by Wi-Care B.V. in the Netherlands and is sold throughout Europe and in the USA. If you have any questions regarding our emergency evacuation products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are pleased to help you with your questions via one of the ways displayed on our website and would be honored if our emergency evacuation products could be a lifesaver for you in the future.